

1. I want my room photos featured on this website

It’s possible!

Doesn’t matter if you’re a designer with thousands of photos, or you want to share just one photo of your beautiful room you’ve recently built.

We would be delighted to receive permission to use all the photographs of various types of rooms. If we find them appealing, we will definitely feature them in at least one of our future or existing compilations.

Also, below each of these photos, we can include a link to the source beneath the photograph (e.g., to your website or fanpage).

If you are, for example, an architect and have a portfolio of completed works, you can provide us with a link or send them to us in any way you prefer, along with instructions on how you would like them to be credited. In that case, we will certainly make use of some of the photographs from time to time and label them as shown in the example image below:

2. I found a bug or outdated/incorrect information. How do I report it?

Just e-mail us! We’ll try to fix it as soon as possible :).